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InTents: the Farmers Market Conference 2024 Presentation Proposal
Thank you for your interest in participating as a speaker at InTents:The Farmers Market Conference 2024. We will be back in San Diego on Monday through Wednesday, March 4th, 5th and 6th, 2024. Pre-conference activities and workshops may be available on Sunday, March 3rd.

The more focused and specific your presentation is on a single topic, the more likely we will be to accept your proposal and move forward to the workshopping phase. 

Our audience is very specifically farmers market managers and operators, some food makers and small farmers, and related policymakers and researchers. Our topics are always specific to how farmers markets and market businesses can perform more effectively, achieve strong financial sustainability, and reduce stress within their operations.
We don't schedule very general presentations without a clear link to farmers markets. 

While some talks are inspirational, we have a strong preference for information that is actionable. Our attendees should know how to move forward towards a specific accomplishment at the end of your talk. To see past topics, use the Conference and Events tabs on Since many of our registrants return year after year, along with new attendees, we look for fresh topics and new approaches to ongoing issues and operations.   

Promotion of a single platform or product is better offered in the Resource Lounge and on Tent Talk, the Farmers Market Podcast and in our newsletter outreach. Email for information on our Resource Partnerships. 

Please answer each question fully. More detailed proposals have a better chance of success. All accepted speakers receive all access registration to the conference. Some full session presenters receive honorariums and some travel expense support. 

Extended deadline for submitting proposals is September 15th, 2023. If you submit a thorough and specific  proposal, a member of our team will get back to you soon. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with the market community. 
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Email *
Name *
Market or Business Name *
Phone (preferably mobile) *
Website and/or Social Media (links) *
What is your connection to farmers' markets? *
Do you have experience as a speaker? If so, where and when? *
Who is your presentation directed towards?(Select all that apply) *
Type of presentation *
Title of your presentation (can be tentative) *
Tell us briefly what you would cover in your presentation or on what topic you'd like to help develop and participate as a panelist. *
What experience do you have related to this topic? Why are you the best person to present this information? 
What 3 positive actions will our attendees be ready to take after your presentation? *
What do you hope to gain by presenting InTents: The Farmers Market Conference 2024? *
If your presentation is accepted to InTents Conference, which date(s) will you be able to be present? (check all that apply) *
How did you find out about InTents: The Farmers Market Conference? (check all that apply) *
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