Depicting Verbs and Their Use in the Classroom Evaluation Form
June 25, 2016
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"Depicting Verbs and Their Use in the Classroom"
Presented by Miako Rankin
This activity had clearly stated objectives. *
My instructor(s) communicated a clear understanding of course content. *
This activity built understanding of concepts and principles. *
The content of this activity was described adequately in advance publicity. *
My instructor(s) helped me apply theory to solve problems. *
The instructional level of the activity was consistent with my expectations. *
The organization of this activity allowed for maximum learning. *
Audiovisuals and supplementary study materials were an asset to this activity. *
I will incorporate the knowledge/skills gained from this activity into my work. *
This activity will contribute to my professional growth. *
This activity will motivate me to seek further continuing education. *
Overall, this activity was outstanding. *
I would recommend this activity to a friend/colleague. *
What was the best part of this event/workshop?
With regard to this event, what would you like to learn more about?
What is something about this event/workshop you would change?
What is one thing you will remember from today?
Please list additional comments.
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