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Bixby Middle School Dodgeball Tournament Parent Consent Form

April 20th, 2023 - Bixby High School Gym

Parental Consent/Waiver and Media Release

Part 1 - Please read this information carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in this program/activity, you will be expressly assuming the risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing all claims for injuries, damages or loss which your minor child/ward might sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with and associated with this program/activity.

I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in this program/activity, and I voluntarily agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, damages or loss, regardless of the severity, that my minor child/ward may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with this program/activity. I further agree to waive and relinquish all claims my minor child/ward may have (or accrue to my child/ward) as a result of participating in this program/activity against the Bixby Public Schools, including their agents, officials, volunteers, employees and sponsors.

I do hereby fully release and forever discharge the Bixby Public School District from any and all claims for injuries, damages or loss that my minor child/ward may have, or which may accrue to my minor child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with this activity.

Part 2 - Before, during and after this event in the spirit of celebrating and sharing, those present at this event and others may choose to provide comments, photos, videos, etc. to the general public or specific audiences via social media. Additionally, requests may be received from the news media or professional persons to interview, photograph, and/or film students for news publications, television or radio broadcasts,, SchoolTube, District Website or for various publications and brochures. I acknowledge and grant permission that my minor child/ward may be the subject of publicity including being interviewed, photographed, and/or filmed.

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Rules and Guidelines

Teams can have up to 10 players made up of current Bixby 6th, 7th, or 8th graders that are in good standing. Tournament entry fee is $100 per team.

Games are 5 minutes long. At the 1 minute remaining mark, teams must advance to a marked line on the court. The team with the most people remaining at the end of the 5 minutes wins that game.

The tournament is double elimination style, so every team will play at least 2 games.

Life bands will be sold. Each band will provide players with an extra life, but will not work after the 1 minute remaining mark. (If you get hit while wearing the lifeband, give the lifeband to your team leader, then keep playing until hit again.) Life bands are $5 each, but will also be sold in a pack of 10 for $40. (Life bands are non-refundable)

The winning team, best dressed team (within the school dress code), and team with the best (school appropriate) team name will win a prize.

Concessions will be available. 

Each team must either turn in all required completed forms and payment to the attendance office, or complete the required forms online and pay with the MySchoolBucks link.

No parents will be allowed on the gym floor. A team helper will be assigned to lead and help each team.

If you would like to play, but don’t have a full team, please reach out to Morgan Means or Gracie Turk.

For more information, contact Morgan Means at (918)-606-5520, or Gracie Turk at (918)-510-2997.

Player Name: *
Team Name: *
Emergency Contact (Please include both name and phone number): *
Parent Signature: *
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