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Alex and Aziz Investor Intake Questionnaire
U.S. securities laws limit the types of investors who can invest with us. The following questionnaire is intended to assist us in determining whether you meet suitability requirements for future investments. Any information you provide here will be kept in strict confidence.
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Date: *
State: *
Phone Number: *
Phone Number 2:
Email: *
Email 2:
Job Field: *
Job Title:  *
Date of Birth: *
How Did You Find Us:  *
What types of investments do you currently have?:
What are your overall investment goals?
What is your risk tolerance?
What is the value of your existing investments?
Number of private placements invested in: (Investments outside of the stock market)
Are you an accredited investor?  (Click here for Definition)
What is your approximate net worth?
What is your approximate income?
Estimated Liquid Assets:
(Cash in Bank, Readily Marketable Stocks/Bonds, Precious Metals)
How much are you looking to invest over the next 3-6 months? 
Please estimate when you will need your liquidity back
(Such as a need for a house down payment or some other major financial need)
What role(s) are you interested in?
What types of investment opportunities are you interest in? 
Which updates would you like to opt-in to receive? (Check all that apply)
Can we text you about new opportunities? 
Other Considerations
Please add any other considerations you feel would be relevant to establishing your suitability for private placement investments, including other education, business or financial experiences, investment considerations, financial situations, trainings (including seminars, contenting education, etc.) or professional licenses and certifications.
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