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2024 Central Ohio Blueways Waterways Cleanup 

Let's make a collective difference, Columbus! Your role in our shared mission of cleaning up our waterways is crucial. Together, we have the power to significantly impact this mission. Your participation is not just important, it's essential to our success!

Please save the date: Saturday, September 28th, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., as we come together to restore the beauty of our waterways. This community effort, in partnership with MORPC, Keep Columbus Beautiful, Metro Parks, Rec & Parks, FACT, and more, is a testament to the value we place on your role in our community. All supplies will be provided. 

To get involved, choose your preferred meeting point from the list below and sign up today! Once registered, a representative from Keep Columbus Beautiful will reach out to confirm your participation, provide details on equipment pick-up, and share your meeting location.

Remember to include a valid email address when you register so we can ensure you have everything you need to make this event successful. Your participation is key to our collective success. Let's unite to keep our waterways clean and our community vibrant!

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Will you be bringing anyone else? If so, please list how many.  *
Please select your first choice of waterway. *
Please select your second choice of waterway. *
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