6 Ethics
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Module 6 Test
1) The ultimate test of character and ethical commitment is whether we are willing to do the right thing when it is not in our personal best interest to do so. *
2) Board members can be district employees. *
3) Supervisors can only receive compensation for travel and expenses incurred in the process of discharging their duties. *
Is it nepotism if:
4) A friend asks me to show the board their resume to get their foot in the door. *
5) The district hires a board member's spouse without following a competitive hiring process. *
6) District manager resigns and the neighbor down the street is highly qualified so the board hires them. *
7) What organization sets a non-discrimination statement for Conservation Districts to follow? *
8) Board members are privileged to special treatment and exemptions. *
9) I can discuss confidential information learned during my duties as a Supervisor with my spouse. *
10) Knowing employment law is not an important part of being an ethical Supervisor. *
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