MakerSpace Inventory of Interests
Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire about our new MakerSpace.  Please be open and honest.  The question at the end for you name is optional.
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Grade *
Teacher *
The teacher who is bringing you into the MakerSpace.
Your Personality & Work Ethic
What do you like to do in your spare time? *
Select all that apply.  If nothing you like to do is listed, please fill in the "Other".
The word that describes me the best is... *
People who work with me might say... *
Select the best one!
When I'm given a task to complete... *
Select the best one!
People who work with me might say... *
Select the best one!
How persistent are you? Rank yourself! *
Persistence: The quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or challenged by other influences.
Not Persistent
Very Persistent
How flexible are you? Rank yourself! *
Flexibility:  The quality characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different, or changing circumstances or conditions
Not Flexible
Very Flexible
How independent are you?  Rank yourself! *
eIndependance:  The quality of being free from dependence on something or someone else for action or effectiveness; the capacity to think or act for oneself
Not Independant
Very Independant
Do you have a Voice?  Rank Yourself! *
Voice: The ability to consistently articulate a unique and personal vision.
Weak Voice
Strong Voice
Are you Makerspace literate?  Rank yourself! *
Makerspace Literate:  The ability to use a full range of terms and techniques such as Little Bits, Makerbot, Sketchup, Tinkercad, etc.
I have no idea!
Very Literate
I think I can work best with... *
Select all that apply.
What I already know... *
Rank yourself as far as your experience with the following items in our MakerSpace.
I am not sure what this is.
I have some experience with this.
I have used this a lot.
I am an expert on this.
Sphero Robots
Romo Robots
Little Bits electronics
3D Printer
Google Sketch-Up
Any other experience?
If you have experience with any other robots, building materials, programming software, etc. please list them here.
Is there anything you'd like to see in our MakerSpace?
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