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Holiday Pre-Order
Holiday pre-orders will be filled on Dec. 24, 27, or 28.

Quince Custard Plait
Laminated pastry + quince conserve + creme fraiche custard. 

Cocoa Short Bread
Pistachio + chocolate + vegan.

Cinnamon Buns 
Laminated pastry + cinnamon + ginger + citrus glaze. 

Spiced Coffee Cake Loaf
Spiced buttered pecan crumb + local sorghum + gf.

Gochujang Kimchi Buns
Laminated pastry + cabbage kimchi + cream cheese gochujang custard. 

Please include any sensitivities, allergies, and preferences, but note that my kitchen is not nut, gluten, or dairy free.

After completing this pre-order form, you will receive a follow up email - please note that your order is CONFIRMED upon receipt of payment.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at
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Selection & Quantity
Cocoa Shortbread V - half dz 18.00
Cocoa Shortbread V - 1 dz 34.00
Quince Custard Plait - serves 6 28.00
Cinnamon Buns - half dz 24.00
Cinnamon Buns - dz 46.00
Gochujang Buns - half dz 24.00
Gochujang Buns - dz 46.00
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Add a Bag of Coffee (250 g)
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Please note any sensitivities.
Please note any allergies.
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