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Volunteer Application for Angel-Paws Inc.
NOTE: If you are wishing to foster an animal, please DO NOT USE THIS FORM. Return to the "about us" menu under "forms" and complete either the canine or feline foster carer application form.
The information collated from this form will be used to help co-ordinators organise and inform volunteers of upcoming events. By having access to this information, Angel-Paws Inc. members are able to contact the appropriate parties. You are encouraged to initiate your own ideas and bring to the team.

It's really important that you check the correctness of your email address before submitting the form. If you do not enter your email correctly, we can't get back to you about your application. We may also not be able to accept it.

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Email *
Personal Details
All personal details will be kept confidential.
First Name *
Last Name *
Are you over 16 years of age? *
Angel-Paws Inc. can only accept volunteers over 16 years of age due to our liability insurance.
Phone Number *
Address *
Suburb *
Post Code *
Email Address: *
Do you have Facebook?  *
You will need access to Facebook because ALL communication with volunteers is through the Angel-Paws Inc. Animal Rescue's Guardian Angels Facebook group. Once your application to volunteer is complete, request to join via the link emailed to you.
What is your Facebook name?
Emergency Contact Name *
For use only in cases of Emergency
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
For use only in case of emergency
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