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Application for The Corner Studio
This application is an expression of interest to join The Corner Studio.  (At this time we are at full capacity) Please submit your application to be added to our wait list.   We will get back to you when there is a spot available.   The Studio is for creatives who have experience working with clay.  The studio is self guided and knowledge of materials, way around a clay studio is required. We appreciate your detailed answers. 
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Todays Date *
Full Name *
Home Address *
Email Address *
Where do you currently create your work? *
When would you use the space the most?  Choose all that apply. *
Choose your commitment
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Why do you want to join The Corner Studio? *
What would you say is your skill level when working with clay? 

 Beginner, intermediate, advanced? 

Are you able to work independently without any guidance? 
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Website and or Social Media (if applicable) e.g: Instagram: @websterpottery  
I have read the website and understand the idea of the space and rules *
Where did you hear about the studio?
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Thank you for submitting your application!  We will be in touch if a spot becomes available!  Happy Potting!
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