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Welcome to Playa Agora 2024: Your Adventure Begins Here! 
Email *
Name *
Playa Name
Phone number *
Email address associated with your Burner Profile *
If you need a Burning Man ticket, please pick one of the following options:
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Have you been to Burning Man before?
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Departure City, State and Country
Earliest arrival date
Latest departure date (by the morning of Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024) 
Are you taking the Burning Express Bus (BxB)?
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Burner Express Bus Date (optional)
Burner Express Bus Time (optional)
Vehicles Dimensions (ex.: 8' x 17')
Trailer Dimensions (ex.: 8' x 12')
Tent + Shade Structures Dimensions (ex.: 10' x 20')
Additional Space Needed. Dimension (ex. 10' x 10') and Explanation
If you are able to provide transportation to and from Black Rock City, please check all that apply (ex.: people or things)
What's your water plan?
What's your gray water plan?
What's your MOOP/Trash plan?
What are your power generation needs and plan? Generators? Noise reduction? Fuel capacity? Fuel containment?
What else would you like to share about your plans around Burning Man 2024?
What else would you like to share about yourself?
If you are sharing resources, planning with other people within camp, who are they? who is the point of contact for your group?
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