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Civics that Empowers All Students (CEAS) Professional Development Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of the We the People network, a nationwide K-12 civic education professional development and implementation network, impacting more than 100,000 teachers and 30 million students since inception! Through the Center's SEED grant, the CEAS project will support professional development to teachers in grades 4-8 across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.  Please fill out this form to indicate your interest and qualifications.  Learn more about this program at
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Email *
Preferred Contact Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number  *
School Name  *
School's Address (street, city) *
School State
Zip Code
Does your school or district have Title 1 status? *
What grade level(s) do you teach? Check all that apply. *
Do you teach classes with at least 30% underserved students?  This may include students of color, students living in poverty (or in Title 1 schools), students with disabilities, English learners, migrant students, students in foster care, students performing significantly below grade level, or other underserved groups. 
Are you interested in joining a teacher Professional Development cohort that begins in the summer of 2025 and continues into the 2025-26 academic year?
The CEAS program has particular interest in supporting diverse teachers in the teaching profession.   What is your race/ethnicity?

Do you anticipate being able to meet the requirements of this program?

Attending a Summer Institute (36 Hours)
Attending Professional Developments during the academic year (16 Hours Total)
Providing 40 hours of classroom instruction using the We the People curriculum
Taking a teacher pre-test and post-test
Administering a student pre-test and post-test

Do you have any questions for the Center for Civic Education?

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