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SusTENNability Shark Tank Competition
The Titan Equity Nourish Network (TENN) at the University of Detroit Mercy is looking to launch a new, collaborative, student-led program that supports sustainability in Detroit. We are looking for submissions that are both innovative and practical. All proposals should focus on sustainability in our food system and further TENN's mission.  For food justice, sustainability means making our food system more sustainable to ensure we are able to produce enough food so that everyone has access to affordable and nutritious food. This includes practices such as reducing waste, improving the efficiency of our food system, reducing carbon emissions related to food production, distribution, or disposal, and sustainable farming practices. For more information about TENN's mission and work, please visit our website and social media

Awards: We are offering a $75 prize to the competition winner and an opportunity to work with TENN to launch your project in the 2023-2024 academic year. The second place will receive a $50 prize, and the third place will receive $30. There will also be an audience choice award. 

All applicants who meet submission requirements will receive Emerging Leaders Program credit. +1 [leadership development]. 

Deadlines: Proposals are due by end of the day on March 15, 2023. Shark Tank finalists will be announced on March 22, 2023. 

Finals Event: The Shark Tank Finals Event will be held on March 29, 2023, from 6-7 p.m. Finalists will be required to give a 3-minute pitch to a panel of judges and an audience.  
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  1. All Detroit Mercy students who will be enrolled in the winter semester are eligible.

  2. Proposals may be submitted by individuals or teams through Google Forms by the end of the day on March 15, 2023

  3. The estimated budget for the project must not be more than $500 to implement.

  4. Projects will be judged on creativity, feasibility, and community impact. We define feasibility as a project that can be realistically carried out within the budget restriction and by four TENN staff members with the help of volunteers.

  5. Projects can be recurring programs or one-time events.

  6. The project must address any aspect or area of sustainability. For food justice, sustainability means making our food system more sustainable to ensure we are able to produce enough food so that everyone has access to affordable and nutritious food. This includes practices such as reducing waste, improving the efficiency of our food system, reducing carbon emissions related to food production, distribution, or disposal, and sustainable farming practices.

Application Instructions
Please answer questions to the best of your ability and adhere to instructions about word limits. Edit your responses for clarity and grammar. (We recommend writing and editing in a Word document before submitting.) Your responses will be anonymized before they are passed along to judges.
Wednesday, March 15th at 11:59 p.m.
First and last name of individual or team contact *
Email address of applicant/team contact *
Phone number of applicant/team contact *
College/major of applicant/team contact *
Expected date of graduation of applicant/team contact *
Name, email address, phone number, college/major, and graduation date of team members 
Project Title *
Brief project description (25 words or less)
Explain your proposed sustainability program activity for which you are seeking a grant. Include specific information about WHAT you want to do, WHO will plan this program, WHO benefits from it, and WHERE/WHEN it will take place. (75-200 words)
How will your project positively impact the community and/or the University?  *
Why do you want to do this program? (e.g. to fill a need, to celebrate a community organization, to gain professional experience, to pursue research, etc.) (75-200 words)
What is the estimated budget for your proposal? Include an itemized description of project costs. Your budget must not exceed $500 for initial implementation.
How does this sustainability project further TENN's mission or work? See TENN's mission statement.
Would you be available to help with the implementation of the project? This is not required but we would love to have you work with us and we always welcome student and alumni volunteers. *
Evaluation Rubric Criteria
  • The proposed project is creative, promoting sustainability in food justice in a new way to the organization, the University, the neighborhood, or the city.
  • The proposal makes good use of TENN or the University’s assets to promote sustainability in food justice (i.e., location, student volunteers, faculty expertise, infrastructure, etc.)
  • The proposal clearly articulates what it plans to do, who benefits from this project, and where and when it will take place.
  • The proposal clearly articulates how the project will impact the community and/or the university.
  • The rationale for this project is clear and convincing.
  • The project budget is realistic.
  • The implementation timeline is reasonable.
  • Overall, the proposal is thoughtfully articulated and polished, demonstrating that the applicant(s) devoted time and energy to the development of this program.
  • Presentation sticks to the time limit, clearly outlines the proposed project, is visually appealing, and creatively tells a story.
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