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Volunteer Registration Form
We are very grateful for your interest in volunteering at Foodlink Foundation.  Please take a few minutes to fill out the following information so that we can better understand your capacity to serve as a volunteer.
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Name 姓名: *
Age 年齡:
Sex 性別:
Address 地址:
Phone 電話:
Email 電郵: *
Occupation 職業:
Education Level 教育程度
Which of the following tasks would you be interested in helping with? (You may check more than one category) 您有興趣參與以下哪項義工服務? (可選多項)
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Language Skills 語言能力
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Time Available for Volunteering 可參與義工服務的時段
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Have you done volunteer work before? Please briefly state your previous experiences. 您曾從事義務工作嗎? 請簡述您的服務經驗。
How did you learn of Foodlink Foundation? 您從什麼途徑認識膳心連 ?
Would you like to be on our mailing list? 您希望定期收到膳心連的資訊嗎?
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