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Call for participation in development and delivery of a SEA-EU study unit in research methodology and ethics
Dear colleagues of the SEA-EU respective universities,

Within SEA-EU we are providing our BSc and MSc students with more opportunities to engage in research and practical work in industry, while providing international and interdisciplinary experiences.
In order to be better prepared for such opportunities, based on the results of the focus groups at our universities, we are building a study unit, composed of six modules, with 0.5 ECTS credits each,  related to research methodology and ethics.

Module 1: Planning research in context of existing knowledge
Module 2: Data collection, interpretation, and presentation
Module 3: Responsible science
Module 4: Technology transfer
Module 5: Writing a research article
Module 6: Publishing a research article

We invite all interested colleagues with experience in teaching any of the related subjects to join us in delivering this study unit, either as lecturers, or as part of the team of tutors.

Trainings will be open to all interested SEA-EU students in the period of January to May 2021. Students who take part in the modules will have preference in SEA-EU pilot actions, MSc students interdisciplinary research-based master thesis in pan-European context and summer research practice with industry for BSc students.

For each module 2 hours of lectures are planned which should be pre-recorded and uploaded on the on-line platform. In addition, one hour of tutoring opportunity will be given to students per month, for the period from January to May. In addition, the lecturers/tutors will answer the students’ written questions, prepare and grade their assignment. The lectures should be in either in English or subtitled in English. Depending on the availability of the tutors and students’ needs, live sessions and written assignments could be done in other SEA-EU languages.

The deadline for preparing the pre-recorded lecture is December 15th.

Deadline for submitting this form is November 1st.

The team of lecturers and tutors will be created for each module in order to agree on the details, dates and continue exchanging experiences.

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Please insert your name, surname and title
Please insert your e-mail
Please insert a link to your CV or research profile
4. Please pick one of the offered modules as the preferential one according to your teaching/research background:
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5. Are you willing to be a lecturer for the chosen module?  
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6. Are you willing to be a tutor for the chosen module?
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7. Are you able to offer tutoring and grading in any SEA-EU language other than English?  
8. Please write the title of the related course you taught previously and the respective study programme or insert the link:
9. Additional comments or suggestions:
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