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Thrive Afterschool 2024 Program Registration 

Our THRIVE Afterschool Program, designed for children in Grades 1-6, offers a safe and engaging environment where your child can grow and thrive. Running from September through June, the program provides a wide range of activities, including homework help, enrichment programs, tutoring, recreational activities, and healthy snacks.

Program Hours: 3:45 PM - 5:45 PM/ Glenbrook school program hours: 12:30 PM - 3:00PM / 
Temple Hours: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

  • Deer Run Location: Starts on September 16, and runs every Monday 
  • Edgemont Location: Starts on September 17, and runs every Tuesday
  • Glenbrook school (reserved to Glenbrook students): Starts on September 20, and runs every Friday
  • Temple Location (Temple residents only): Starts on October 18th, and runs every Friday

Join us for a fun and educational experience that supports your child's academic and personal development!

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Child's information
Child's full name: *
Grade level *
Date of birth *
Allergies or medical conditions (Please specify any allergies or medical conditions we should be aware of.) *
Parent Guardian information
Parent/Guardian full name *
Relationship to the child *
Primary contact number *
Secondary contact number *
Email address *
Emergency contact information
Emergency contact full name *
Relationship to the child *
Emergency contact number *
Alternate emergency contact *
Program Details
Prefered Thrive Afterschool location *
Does your child require any accommodations? *
If yes, please provide further information *
Consent and Agreements
Do you consent to your child being photographed or filmed during the program for promotional purposes? *
In the event of a medical emergency, do you authorize program staff to seek necessary medical treatment for your child?
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