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2023-2024 Veterans in the Classroom Veteran Request Form
The Veterans In The Classroom (VITC) program is a unique program within our state
and nation. For nearly 20 years, the Citrus County School District Superintendent has
invited Citrus County veterans to participate in educating our youth about military
service to our nation. During the two weeks prior to Veterans Day, veteran volunteers
present lectures to children in the school district. How does the program work?

1.Teachers make requests for a veteran to speak to their class. Sometimes the
teachers may request specific military skill sets like a pilot, a cook, or someone
who speaks a foreign language.

2.Veterans sign up as presenters and complete their contact information and
requested grades and schools in the signup process.

3.The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Citrus County Chapter
manages the VITC assignment process. The VITC manager matches teacher
requests with the skill sets and requested grades/schools of the veterans. Upon
making an acceptable match, the VITC manager emails the veteran and the
teacher with both of their contact information. The veteran then contacts the teacher to
confirm a day and time for the veteran’s presentation.

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Email *
Veterans in the Classroom
Veteran's Last Name *
Veteran's First Name *
Preferred Phone Contact (Format: XXX-XXX-XXXX) *
Please type "Cell" prior to the number if the cell phone is the preferred contact.
Best Time to Contact You By Phone: AM (8-12); Early PM (12-5); Late PM (5-8). Please select one. *
Street Address *
This will be used to send invitations to the Veteran's Appreciation Luncheon.
City *
State *
Zip Code *
U.S. Service Branch *
Briefly, (15 words or less) list your service rank abbreviation, military skills, language skills, post military career skills, etc. This will allow us to match you to a teacher request. Example: CW3, helicopter pilot, Spanish speaker, Civilian flying. *
Veterans in the Classroom
Grade Level *
Please select all grade levels you are willing to visit with your presentation. Please select "All Grades" if you wish to present to grade levels that span the categories listed.
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