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Reserve Copy of Dr. Wong's Book: Cancel the Filter
New Book Launch! Reserve Dr. Stephanie J. Wong's FIRST book, Cancel the Filter: Realities of a Psychologist, Podcaster, and Working Mother of Color. Be one of the first 50 supporters to receive a signed copy and invitations to exclusive launch events. Spots are limited! We will send you the purchase link when the book is available!

Synopsis: Today, social media has led to a magnification of social comparison and the unrealistic goal of being polished and perfect, despite all people experiencing stress at one time or another.  Through brief anecdotes filled with mistakes, laughter, tears, joy, love, and ongoing learning, Dr. Stephanie J. Wong, Ph.D. gives readers an unfiltered look into being a working mother, providing “real talk” about the messy and difficult parts of managing diaper duty and employees.  Dr. Wong is an Asian American, licensed clinical psychologist, entrepreneur, mother, BTS ARMY (global K-pop group fandom) keynote speaker, and founder and host of the award-winning, Color of Success Podcast.  Due to her perceived accomplishments, people often ask her, “How do you do it all?” They comment, “You are Superwoman!” to which she “jokingly” replies, “I’m 20 seconds from losing my shit all the time.”

Many of Dr. Wong’s clients, friends, and family members feel they are the only ones who “can’t handle parenthood,” and ask themselves, “Why do others seem to have it together, but I don’t?” Dr. Wong normalizes the working parent’s experience, creating a feeling that readers are not alone or going “crazy.” From studying for a national licensure test while her water was leaking to promoting mental health through media content, she reveals her imperfections and struggles. She demonstrates ways to embrace a life beyond the filtered version, or the snapshots presented to the world, and integrates her clinical expertise to assist readers in setting and maintaining boundaries, exercising self-compassion, and attending to their mental health.

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