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StudySmart President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) Application
Thank you for your hard work and continuous support! StudySmart is a PVSA Certifying Organization and is glad to apply for PVSA if you are US Citizen or lawful Permanent Resident and satisfy the following hours for ANY 12 month period:
- Teens (11-15): Bronze (50-74 hours), Silver (75-99 hours), Gold (100+ hours)
- Young Adults (16-25): Bronze (100-174 hours), Silver (175-249 hours), Gold (250+ hours)

What if I had a birthday which increased my volunteer hourly category?
Age category is determined by the age a volunteer is for at least 7 months out of a designated 12-month award period.

Hours from other organizations
StudySmart Youth Services accepts hours from other organizations if you can provide signed proof and if your volunteer hours through any branches of StudySmart combined is more than 50% of your total volunteer hours.
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There will be a suggested donation amount of $100 to support the daily operations of StudySmart. *
What's your name? *
What's your date of birth? *
What's your email address? *
What's the 12 month period (Month/Year) you would like to apply for PVSA *
What's your immigration status? *
How many volunteering hours you earned from StudySmart? (Please also email certified hours to
How many volunteering hours you earned from other organizations if applicable? (Please also email certified hours to *
What type of PVSA are you applying for? *
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