EAA Chapter 29 Young Eagles Rally on June 13th, 2015
This form will help us anticipate attendance and better coordinate the event. Each participant will also be required to provide a signed parental consent form prior to participating in a Young Eagles flight. Parental consent forms will be available on-site on the day of the rally or can be requested below.
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Participant Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Age *
Departure Time Preference
Due to the many factors affecting our rally (volunteers, weather, etc), we cannot guarantee a specific time slot but we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Parent/Legal Guardian
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
E-mail Address *
Your email address will only be used to keep you informed about related Young Eagles activity including cancellations and delays. We do not sell or share any of the information collected on this form.
Each participant will be required to provide a signed parental consent form. We will provide these on the day of the event. If a parent or legal guardian cannot be present at the event, please check the appropriate box below and we will contact you about getting the consent form signed in advance of the Young Eagles rally. *
(Optional) How did you hear about the rally?
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