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Future City Application Form 2020 2021
2020 2021
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Student Name *
Student Last Name *
Student email? *
Parent Name? *
Parent email? *
Grade Level *
Math Level for 2020 2021 academic year
What is your favorite free-time activity?   *
What is your favorite subject in school?   *
Have you ever been part of a Future City team before? Please tell us about your experience.   *
Were you part of any academic teams before? Please list. *
Are you available for Saturday studies from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm?  ( Online or at FSA depending on the COVID19 Situation) *
Do you feel comfortable making presentations to large group of people? *
As a parent, are you interested in helping for the Future City team? *
If your answer is yes, please explain what kind of support/help you can give to our team:
Can  you be the team coach for one of our Future City Teams? *
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