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2017 Parade Application
Please use this form to apply for the 2017 Veterans Day Parade in New York City (Saturday, November 11, 2017)

1.  Please read the Parade Information below; the Application form will appear after you have reviewed this information.

2.  Please apply as soon as possible.  Even if you are not certain of your final group size/composition, please let us know that your group wishes to participate.  Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis; accepted groups will be contacted starting 6/1/2017.¬

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Overview of Application Process
1. Eligible groups (see below) submit an application (Final Due Date: October 1, 2017)

2. All applications are reviewed by the Parade Committee (on a rolling basis)

3. Accepted groups are sent confirmation materials, which must be completed and returned to the Parade Committee (Acceptance notices and confirmation materials will be sent out starting 7/1/2017)

4. Confirmed groups receive final assembly information and other details (1-2 weeks prior to the parade)

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