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2023 I2D Expo Poster Registration Form
Hosted by the Shah Family Global Innovation Lab, the Innovation for International Development (I2D) Exposition invites guests to submit posters showcasing their work in international development.  Invited development experts and lecturers will serve as judges for posters, highlighting Purdue's engineering innovations. Student individuals/teams will register for the event using this form.  We invite undergraduate and graduate student individuals/teams to submit and present a poster at this year's exposition!
What, Where, and When
I2D Exposition Poster Presentation and Awards
April 11, 2023
DUDL Atrium

Please note the following important dates:
Friday, March 31st  - Poster Registration Due at Midnight
Tuesday, April 11th - Poster Presentation, DUDL Atrium, 11:30-1:30 PM
Tuesday, April 11th - Poster Awards & Reception, ME Atrium, 5:30 PM
ANY team (undergraduates or graduates) working on an innovation for international development is invited to contribute a poster at this event. International development-related R & D in engineering includes, but is not limited to: low-cost appropriate technologies for energy access; agricultural production and processing mechanization; water and sanitation solutions; healthcare technologies for the developing world; humanitarian response solutions; labor-saving innovations; and information and communication technologies for education or for economic development. Students can be from ANY college across campus - we invite researchers from all backgrounds and fields to participate.
Poster Prizes
Top student posters will be awarded prizes to be used toward project expenses or student travel.
1st Place - $1000
2nd Place - $750
3rd Place - $500
Awards will be announced on April 11th at 5:30 PM. Posters will be judged based on:

Potential impact

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Abstract Submission
OPTIONAL - You do not need to turn in your poster abstract to register!
Registration closes on Friday, March 31, 2023, at Midnight
Individuals/teams intending to participate in this event should submit the following form by noon on Saturday, March 11th.  Any questions regarding registration and optional abstract submission can be directed to Rhonda Haan at
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Faculty/Staff Advisor
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Please check the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to your project
Question Type
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No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Cities and Commmunities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
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add "Other"
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Day of the Event
Please arrive to the DUDL Atrium between 10:30-11:15 am on Tuesday, April 11th, to check in and setup your poster.  You will be presenting your posters to judges between 11:30-1:30 pm.  Please make sure that a member of your team is at your poster for the presentation.

Students may re-use a poster from a previous poster session (so long as it meets the poster requirements for size), or develop a new poster, based on the below poster requirements. Students are encouraged to use the poster template below. Student individuals/teams should work with their project advisor in developing their posters. Students are also encouraged to connect with Rhonda Haan ( if they have any questions.

Poster Template
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Final Notes
If you have any questions, please contact our team 
at or

Thank you for your submission and good luck!!
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What, Where, and When
Poster Prizes
Abstract Submission
Registration closes on Friday, March 31, 2023, at Midnight
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Faculty/Staff Advisor
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Please check the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to your project
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Day of the Event
Final Notes
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