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Nissan Leaf cars in Sri Lanka
Please take few minutes from your valuable time to fill below form.

This is get an idea about the state of the cars in here, this data will be useful when implementing charging stations & battery solutions & government tariffs 

This is conducted by EV Club Sri Lanka. We won't share your contact details with any third party.
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Your Name *
Mobile/WhatsApp *
Are you registered and paid member of the EVClub *
What is your Main charging tariff  *
How often you do a DC Fast charging 
Year Of Manufacture *
Country of origin *
Vehicle Make & Grade *
Current Millage (KM) *
Battery Health (bars) out of 12 *
Current range in Km from single charge (100%) with AC *
What is your daily required range *
How many years you are using Leaf *
Have you replaced EV Battery or Repaired your EV battery  *
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