ScalaMatsuri 2016 Session Voting
Please refer to for the details of each sessions.
Voting is limited only to Public (1st offer)  ticket holders, sponsors, and staff. Thank you.

+ represents a session is aimed for Beginner (No prior knowledge of the domain),
++ represents Intermediate (Familiar with principles, not well versed in specifics), and
+++ represents Advanced (Well acquainted with the domain, little introductory material included in the talk) audience.
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Name *
Your name will not be publicized, but is required for authorization. (Please put the participant's name at the time of ticket entry.)
Email *
Your email will not be publicized, but is required for authorization.(Please put the email at the time of ticket entry.)
Ticket Checkin Code *
Checkin Code on the ticket (for example 001111). See
Select twelve (12) 40-min English sessions you want to hear *
Select seven (7) 40-min Japanese sessions you want to hear *
Select three (3) 15-min English sessions you want to hear *
Select eight (8) 15-min Japanese sessions you want to hear *
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