Demande d'accès en écriture
NHD Thesis Statement Peer Review
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Writer's Project Title
You will be evaluating a peer's thesis statement according to the following rubric (4=Superior, 3=Above Average, 2=Average, 1=Poor). Be as fair as possible. Ask your teacher if you don't understand any of the words in the rubric. You will be asked to explain why you think the writing deserves the grade you give it.

Is it SPECIFIC to the topic, meaning it includes the relevant five W’s. The thesis is the first thing the viewer reads, so we should know immediately the who-what-where-when, and also the why-is-this-important

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Is it OPINIONATED: Is the writer's point of view, or argument obvious? (someone should be able to argue against this statement)

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Explains the SIGNIFICANCE (importance) of the topic in history: Why is the topic important? What impact did it make in history)

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Contains connections to the theme: Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas

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List the evidence/rationale for this grade.
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