GalleyCat Writers Group Directory
Do you want to join a writers group?

We've created a simple form to create a directory of people looking to join a writers group. We hope to help GalleyCat readers find other writers to build groups, both online and in real life.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name? *
We will post all this information in our directory, so feel free to use a pen name if you don't want to include your real name in the directory.
Where do you live?
No need to answer if you are looking for online writing groups. If you are looking for real life writing groups, share your city and state or country.
What kind of books, stories, essays or scripts do you write? *
Share all the genres you work with in your writing.
Where can people find you online?
Share the web address of ONE website, blog, social network profile or Amazon page where someone can explore your work.
What's your email address? *
This will help other writers contact you about working together. We will post this address in our directory, so you might not want to use your primary email address.
What kind of writers group are you looking for? *
What kind of writers group support are you looking for? *
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