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First Friday Vendor Application
UPDATE: the event is currently full. We are operating on a wait list. You are welcome to complete this application but please note we will ONLY CONTACT YOU IF SPACE OPENS. Otherwise we will NOT contact you. 


This is an application to be an art vendor for First Fridays on Haynie's Corner in 2024, which will begin in May. Potential vendors will be vetted based on artistic contributions, and issued a per-event permit. Local artists will be prioritized. Vendors without a permit will be asked to leave the event. Completing this application does not guarantee that you will be approved as a vendor. The event will begin at 5:30pm and end at 9pm each month. Check in starts at 4pm AT THE EARLIEST on event days, vendors are expected to be ready to sell by 5:15pm.

Vendors that complete this application will be located on Adams Ave, around the Fountain, on 2nd street and on the walkway/greenspace area from the fountain towards Washington Ave. Locations may rotate monthly. No tables or tents are provided. Access to electricity cannot be guaranteed. 

This application is NOT for music or food vendors. There is a separate application for food vendors. Completing this application as a food vendor will delay your participation in food vending.

Initial applications close on 4/05/2024. After that, we cannot guarantee that there is space for additional vendors although applications will be accepted for the entirety of the season on a rolling basis until we are at capacity. Placements for the May event will be sent out by 4/12/24. For events later in the year, placements will be sent out within 10 days of First Friday.

There is a fee of $40 for the entire season (all six events) that will be billed via Square and the email address that you provide. This year we are offering a student discount rate of $30 for the entire season for participating high school and college enrolled artists.There is an increased seasonal fee of $55 for all vendors (including students) once the season has started (all sign ups after 4/5/24). Late seasonal fees will not be prorated. 

Email Andrea Adams at with questions or concerns.

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Business Name
Name of Person Completing this Form *
Describe the kind of art you create and include basic price ranges *
Please note that our event focuses on artistic creations and we reserve the right to deny any artist entry as a vendor. We also reserve the right to remove a vendor if this description is not representative of the actual product and the actual product does not fit within our parameters.
Email address- this is how we will communicate with you for billing and registration info *
Phone Number *
Where can we find examples of your work? (Facebook, website, local venue, etc. Examples may also be emailed to *
Are you a student? If so, where?  *
Participation Months
Please select the months that you'd like to participate in First Friday. We will contact you to confirm prior to each month but this will help us plan!
July 5 *
August 2 *
September 6 *
October 4 *
I will add Haynie's Corner Arts District Association as secondary insured and will provide proof of insurance prior to April 30, 2024. *
This will not affect your ability to participate in First Fridays, but we are required by OUR insurance to ask this question!
I will not sublet my booth space to any other artists or vendors. Evidence of this is grounds for removal from the First Fridays series.  *
I understand that my booth cannot sell any food or drink and doing so is grounds for removal from the First Fridays series.  *
I understand that there is a one time $55 fee to be a vendor for First Friday. This will be billed by Square to the email address you've provided. *
Special accommodations needed or anything else we should know?
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