Women of Jazz 2015-16 ~ End of the Year Survey
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Last Name
First Name
What was your Favorite song we sang? *
Why was that your favorite song? *
What was your LEAST Favorite song we sang? *
Why was that your least favorite song? *
What did you like about Jazz Night? *
What Didn't you like about Jazz Night? *
How can we make Jazz Night better? *
We only had 11 rehearsals, totaling 7 hours and 45 minutes of rehearsal time for Jazz Night. How many WoJ rehearsals did you miss this year? *
If you missed more than 1 rehearsal, WHY did you miss so much?   *
If you didn't miss more than 1 rehearsal, copy and paste: "I didn't miss more than 1 rehearsal."
If you could make Women of Jazz better, what would you do? *
Did you help with set up of the sound equipment? *
If you selected, NO to helping with sound set up, WHY didn't you help?   *
If you selected YES, copy & paste, "I did."
Did you help with tear down of the sound equipment? *
If you selected NO to helping with tear down of sound, WHY didn't you help? *
If you selected YES, copy & paste, "I did."
Did you help put back the sound equipment after jazz night (in the choir room)? *
If you selected NO to putting back equipment, WHY didn't you help? *
If you selected YES, copy & paste, "I did."
THANK YOU for Participating in WoJ 2016!  
I hope you enjoyed being a member of this ensemble, ladies!  I really enjoyed getting to know you and work with you!  I really hope you continue to find ways to learn more about vocal jazz!  It’s always really fun to learn about new styles!  

You will be honored at Choral Awards Night.  Please remember to attend on May 12, 2016.  
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