Site Support, SEED New Leaders Training 38 SEED Project Year 2024-25
SEED is a peer-led professional development program that promotes change through self-reflection, interpersonal dialogue, and systemic analysis. SEED builds capacity for change toward more equitable curricula, campuses, workplaces, and communities. At SEED New Leaders Training (NLT), 20 to 60 educators, school staff, community members, and organizational leaders are immersed in our SEED methods to prepare them for leading SEED seminars in their own communities, organizations, and institutions. 

SEED leaders must have the backing of their SEED site. As such, we require that someone besides the applicant submit a Site Support Form to endorse and commit funds and other site resources for their applicant(s) to participate in NLT and then to lead a SEED seminar. You may submit this single form for multiple applicants from your SEED site. (You may have received separate e-mails for each applicant, but you don't need to do a separate form for each applicant.)

We do not review applications and site support forms until we have both for any given applicant. We review completed applications on a bi-weekly basis, and you will hear from us approximately three weeks after the review date following submission of each completed application. Sites then have two weeks after their applicant(s) have been accepted to pay a $1000 deposit for each applicant, after which applicants will be required to complete one additional Acceptance form. In order for our staff to prepare for each NLT, all applications and site support forms must be submitted at least 6 weeks before the start of NLT. Deposits and acceptance forms must be submitted at least 4 weeks before the start of NLT.

Because acceptances are rolling and we often have cohort size constraints, we do encourage you to submit all materials as early as possible. 

Please note that there is a 1000 character (not word) count limit for all of our application questions. This does include numerals, punctuation, and spaces. 

We ask that you review the Conditions for Applying and the Site Support Individual Short Answer questions below before you begin the form. If you have any questions, please contact us at Please do NOT complete this form using all capital letters.
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Given/First Name(s) *
Family/Last Name(s) *
Preferred name (that you would like us to call you and refer to you by)
If different from first name.
What roles or titles do you hold at your SEED site? *
The name of your community, organization, or institution where you are planning on having a SEED seminar (Include district name if applicable) *
Please make sure we have phone and email information that you check regularly.
Phone number *
E-mail address *
Submitting the Site Support Form on behalf of (Applicant 1): *
First and last name. (You may submit this single form for multiple applicants from your proposed SEED site. You may have received separate e-mails about this form from each applicant, but you don't need to do a separate form for each.)
Submitting the Site Support Form on behalf of (Applicant 2):
First and last name.
Submitting the Site Support Form on behalf of (Applicant 3):
First and last name.
Submitting the Site Support Form on behalf of (Applicant 4):
First and last name.
Submitting the Site Support Form on behalf of (Applicant 5):
First and last name.
Submitting the Site Support Form on behalf of (Applicant 6):
First and last name.
Submitting the Site Support Form on behalf of (Applicant 7):
First and last name.
Submitting the Site Support Form on behalf of (Applicant 8):
First and last name.
Submitting the Site Support Form on behalf of (Applicant 9 or more):
First and last names. Please separate each person with a comma.
Conditions for Applying
As you continue the Site Support Form, please read over each of the following statements and write your initials in the box below each one to signify that you understand what you are committing to should a person or persons from your site be accepted to attend a SEED New Leaders Training (NLT).
I understand that SEED partners with communities, organizations, and institutions to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice by training people from those partner sites to facilitate an ongoing seminar on these topics. *
Please enter your initials to indicate that you agree.
I understand that by “diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice,” SEED means that all people should be able to be their whole selves and well -- especially those who have been historically marginalized because of their cultural, ethnic, racial, linguistic, national, gender, sexual, spiritual, or socioeconomic identities and their physical, mental, or emotional well-being. Additionally, SEED believes that people must work on being in just relationship with one another -- especially those in positions of systemic privilege and dominance and who have the most power to end structural injustice. I am committed to these values for all people and to learning more and to moving toward enacting them. *
Please enter your initials to indicate that you agree.
I understand that SEED NLT is how my applicant(s) will receive training in SEED facilitation for equity and justice, and that NLT is an intensive and immersive training that my applicant(s) must attend in full. *
Please enter your initials to indicate that you agree.
I understand that the SEED seminar I am financially and logistically supporting will meet for at least 24 hours total in sessions no shorter than 90 minutes over no fewer than 10 weeks during the 2 years following New Leaders Training. I understand that I am responsible for supporting my SEED seminar leaders in recruiting and retaining at least 8 and preferably 15-25 members of my community, organization, or institution who will regularly attend the SEED seminar.
Please enter your initials to indicate that you agree.
I am committed to supporting my applicant(s) as facilitator(s) by providing meeting funds (at least $500), suitable meeting space, and favorable scheduling within our site's calendar, as well as publicly supporting their SEED seminar as part of the site in which I have influence and authority. *
Please enter your initials to indicate that you agree.
I understand that the cost of NLT is $6,000 per participant for private institutions and for-profit entities. The cost is $4,000 per participant for community-based organizations, public institutions, and government offices. I am committing these funds or committing to obtain these funds to pay for my applicants. Furthermore, I understand that spaces for my applicant(s) will not be reserved until all application and support forms are received by SEED, until SEED accepts each applicant, and a $1,000 deposit is paid to SEED for each accepted applicant. The entirety of the payment can be made then, or else the second portion of the payment is due two weeks following the end of my applicant's/applicants' NLT training. (Please note that all sites can apply for an additional $2,000/applicant in scholarships later in this form. The SEED Project will determine which fee and scholarship level each site will receive.)
Please enter your initials to indicate that you agree.
I understand that once the $1000 deposit has been paid for an applicant, there will be a $250 transfer fee if the applicant seeks to switch sessions within the SEED year. A participant/site withdrawing their participation 30 days or more before NLT will forfeit $500 and be refunded whatever additional amount was paid. A participant/site withdrawing their participation within 30 days of NLT will forfeit $1000 and be refunded whatever additional amount was paid.
Please enter your initials to indicate you agree.
I understand that once an applicant and proposed SEED site are accepted to a NLT session, my site may seek to switch the participant that we are sending. The SEED site and new applicant must submit a new application. SEED staff will then review the new application to ensure that the new applicant has the capacity for and understands their commitment to the training and to being a SEED facilitator. If SEED determines that the new applicant does not meet our requirements, SEED will treat this as a refund requested on the date the new application was submitted.
Please enter your initials to indicate that you agree.
I understand that after my SEED site and applicant(s) have been accepted, we may wish to defer our participation to a later year. SEED will return our application materials and refund any payment minus all or part of the deposit based on the policy described above. Our applicant and site can resubmit our applications in a later year, and should also be aware of possible changes in the application questions.  *
Please enter your initials to indicate that you agree.
I understand that if there are other people responsible for any of the above mentioned conditions, that it is my responsibility to ensure that they are in alignment with me regarding my approval and support for these applicants and their facilitation of a SEED seminar at my site. *
Please enter your initials to indicate that you agree.
To reiterate your understanding of and commitment to our SEED framework, please continue by typing out the following statement followed by your name: "I have read and agreed to all the above statements and understand that I and the applicants I am supporting will be held responsible according to these statements during this application process, at SEED NLT, and in their subsequent SEED seminar that follows if accepted."
Site Support Individual Short Answers
1. SEED partners with sites seeking to change. What is something at your proposed SEED site that your site has sought to change and succeeded in changing? How did you know that you succeeded? What is something at your proposed SEED site that your site needs to change? What would it look like if it actually changed so that your site and broader community are more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and just? (1000 character limit) *
2. SEED builds collective capacity for change. What do you believe can change if your site were to have a SEED seminar? What will it mean for people to learn about themselves and social systems? To build relationships and address social tensions? To advocate for systemic change that results in broader justice for all? How do you and the leadership at your site envision that hosting a SEED seminar would potentially move your site toward justice? How will you measure changes resulting from your SEED seminar? (1000 characters)
3. Please provide a brief reference for why you believe each of your applicants is/are suited to lead a SEED seminar in your proposed SEED site. Please consider their personality, skills, experiences, resources, and responsibilities. IF YOU ARE SUBMITTING THIS ON BEHALF OF MORE THAN ONE APPLICANT, PLEASE SPEAK TO EACH APPLICANT'S QUALITIES. (Please limit your response to 1000 characters/~100 words per reference and no more than 10,000 characters overall.)
4. SEED NLT is a 75-hour commitment whether virtual or in-person. After NLT, facilitating a SEED seminar is a 50-hour commitment for SEED leaders to plan before, facilitate, and debrief after each SEED session. What is it that you will need to do to support your applicants to have 75 hours available to participate in this training and to have 50 hours to lead a SEED seminar at your site? (1000 characters)
Will you be seeking a scholarship? SEED provides scholarships to communities, organizations, and institutions based on fiscal need, the people served, and the diversity of our NLT cohorts. SEED sites seeking such funds must provide additional information. Please describe the type of institution you are supporting, i.e. public school, public higher education, title 1 school, private site, etc. The basic criteria for scholarships are: 1. Applicants must be not-for-profit, public-serving communities, organizations, or institutions. 2. Scholarships will be awarded based on demonstrated institutional financial need, and diversity in terms of systemically-oppressed communities. 3. The partner site's commitment to host a SEED seminar for at least two years following receipt of the scholarship. 4. The site's commitment that if the SEED seminar does not occur, the partner will owe the total amount of the scholarship to the SEED Project. *
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