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INBT SRF proposal/pitch Registration
 2019 -  2020 Meeting  Dates:
October 8  Shaffer 100
November 12  Shaffer 3
January  14  Location TBD
February  11  Location TBD
March 10   Location TBD

Competition:   April 14, 2020  
Contact us at 410-516-6194 or
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Informal student research presentations in a forum with food and discussion, to inspire cross-lab collaborations, external feedback and professional development.  
Full Name *
Email *
Lab/PI *
If your presentation/pitch is related to your lab's research, do you have your PI's permission to present? *
What date can you present? (check all that apply)
If you are selected to present, do you commit to participate the April 14th competition? *
What is the unmet need  or unique perspective that your presentation addresses? (250 word limit *
Is this a "business/product" pitch or "taking it to the next level" idea? (select one) *
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