Ignite! 2016 Census
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What is your age range?
How many burns have you attended including this year’s Ignite?
Where abouts y’all from?
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What is your gender
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What drew you to Ignite?(select all that apply)
How would you rate the ease of ticket purchase (1-10)
Super Easy
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Did you carpool or drive alone?
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How would you rate the ease of entry (1-10)
Huge Pain
Smooth as Silk
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How would you rate parking  (1-10)
Huge Pain
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 What neighborhood did you camp in?
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Were you part of a theme camp?
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What playforms did you attend?
Were you able to attend all of the playforms that you wanted to attend?
If not, what factors kept you from attending Playforms?
What was your favorite playform?
Do you have any opinions or advice for future playform management?
Do you have any topic ideas for next year? (Particularly ones that YOU will be willing to host?)
How many hours did you volunteer at Ignite!?
Did you bring any children?  If so, how many and what ages?
If you brought kids, what were their ages at the time of Ignite?
If you brought kids, did they have fun?
If you brought kids, did they participate in Spark Scouts?
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If you brought kids, why or why not, did they participate?
If you brought kids, and they participated in Spark Scouts, what did they do?
Would you share specific feedback FROM any kids you brought?
Do you have any ideas about what might make Spark Scouts better?
Would you or your camp be interested in facilitating more Kindleton participation?
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Did you attend Town Hall?
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At Town Hall we talked about Ticket Prices. Do you think the price is:
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Would you be willing to pay more if there was more art?
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If yes, how much more?
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At Town Hall, we talked about population. Do you think there are:
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Are there other topics you would like to see discussed at Town Hall next year? If so, what are they?
Is there anything else you would like to say about Town Hall?
What other regional burns have you attended?
What interactions or activities did you experience that embodied one of the Ten Principles the best?
Favorite daytime memory?
Favorite nighttime memory?
Would you or your theme camp bring a precut part(s) of wood for the kids’ temple next year?
Would you like to make art for Combustia?
Would you like to see an art gallery in the Pavilion?
Would you like to see performance in the Pavilion?
Overall, how would you rate your Ignite! burn experience?
If you are a Transformus or Ignite! lead or co-lead, did you find the weekend beneficial?
For Transformus or Ignite! leads and co-leads, what was your favorite part of Ignite?
Please share any other thoughts
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