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Let's Explore Power Zone Coaching!
Welcome! Exploring coaching is an exciting, important step on your journey to success. And with over 25 years of proven success stories, I know the value of living and working from your highest expression, or as I call it - Your Power Zone.

Let's Get Started: Please fill out the short questionnaire below to apply for your complimentary 45 Minute - Explore Power Zone Coaching - call with me, René Johnson, The Power Zone Coach, Multiple Author on Amazon, and Nationally recognized Profitable Leadership Authority. In this call, we'll explore the potential opportunities available to you to claim your Next-Level expression! Here you can share your current needs, desires, or goals, and we'll use this information to laser in on how best to support you while trying on my coaching style. I desire that you have a safe space to be heard and leave with at least one idea to elevate you into your Power Zone. Should we decide to explore further what it would look like working together, we can discuss the next steps. Thank you.

I look forward to speaking with you soon!

René Johnson, CEC
The Power Zone Coach

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Email *
First and Last Name *
Best Phone Number *
What is your current position/title? *
How did you hear about us?
What's your biggest challenge(s) right now in growing to the next level you desire in life and or career/business? Or what made you reach out? (up to 1,000 words) *
What do you want to see different in your life and or career/business over next 3-6 months? (up to 1,000 words) *
When it comes to leadership and it's impact on my life and career/business, I... *
What phase of change readiness are you currently in? (There is no right or wrong answer) *
Have you ever invested in personal development or business coaching before? If yes, what happened, and why is it important to do so now? (up to 1,000 words) *
How much time are you willing to invest in your personal or professional development?
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What else, if anything, would you like René to know about you to help customize this session and make it impactful for you? (up to 1,000 words)
Please check your email for directions on how to proceed.
Please Read: I respect your privacy and your information will not be shared in anyway. You will either receive an invitation and link to my calendar, or follow up questions to ensure we will be a good fit. Please allow up to 48 hours or 2 business days for my review and reply. Thank you, Rene' Johnson, CEC  - The Power Zone Coach. In the meanwhile, visit my site for resources and access to my social media with videos, articles and tips.
Welcome to Power Zone Coaching, LLC
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