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Neighbors Calling Neighbors: Minnesota's virtual 2020 PLAN YOUR VOTE phone bank
Minnesota's virtual PLAN YOUR VOTE phone bank, sponsored by the Eugene McCarthy Center for Public Policy and Civic Engagement, is an opportunity to get involved in a non-partisan Get Out The Vote effort, from the safety and comfort of your home. Volunteers from around the state are needed to help make calls. No experience necessary, please sign up for your first shift today! Questions? Email
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Name *
Phone number
Organization affiliation *
FIRST-TIME VOLUNTEERS - please sign up first for a training shift!

Phone bank participants need to have a phone (mobile or landline) and an internet-connected computer.  

After you sign up, watch for an email from with links to training documents and information about how to access our WebEx phone bank meeting room.
When can you make PLAN YOUR VOTE calls?
Untitled Title
Indicate language skills
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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