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Spore School - Application  
We are so glad you are interested in Spore School!
In order to make sure you are a good fit for the program please fill out the below application. Filling out this application does not register you for the program. When we receive your application we will follow up with payment info and a waiver. In order to secure your spot in the program we must receive both the payment and waiver by April 22.
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Name *
Phone *
Email *
Town *
Which program day are you applying for?
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What kind of relationship do you have with nature/the non-human world? *
What familiarity do you have with mushrooms (wild and/or domesticated)? *
Do you have any experience foraging in nature? *
If so, what is your favorite thing to forage, when, and why? *
What drew you to register for Spore School this year and what are you most interested in doing? Why? *
Are you able to attend every Spore School meeting from May through October (6 single day sessions)? *
What questions do you have in mind about your Spore School experience? *
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