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Nature Play Space Survey
Maryland’s Project Green Classrooms is a stakeholder coalition that advocates for each Marylander to have the opportunity to learn about their local environment, develop a connection with nature, and have a better sense of place in their natural surroundings. The initiative promotes outdoor experiential activities and environmental education through Maryland’s schools, communities and public lands.  The Nature Play Space workgroup of the PGC promotes policy development, technical assistance, and collaborations that promote getting more nature play spaces installed and more kids outdoor enjoying nature play.  

Thank you for filling out the survey below.  Gathering information such as this will help us to identify policy and technical assistance needs.  

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Email *
Where is your facility located? *
Do you have a nature play space at your facility? *
Is your nature play space part of a larger nature-based program, school, or childcare center in Maryland? *
If you answered other above, please explain *
Do you plan to install a nature play space? *
Have you ever attended a workshop or training on nature play? If so, where? *
What have been your biggest challenges in planning or installing a nature play space? *
If you have a nature play space, what has been the biggest benefit of the area?  Example: increased access to nature, creating a space for the community or a new area for kids to play.   *
How/when is your nature play space used? *
What are the biggest challenges of maintaining your play space? *
Do you have any stories about your play space that you would like to share? *
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