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PNW Competition Feedback Form
Thank you for attending a PNW Competition! We hope you enjoyed your time at the competition and would greatly appreciate some feedback on how we did! Please be honest as this will help us to plan future competitions.
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Competition name? 
Overall, how would you rate the competition? *
Was this your first WCA competition? *
How did you find out about the competition? *
How likely are you to attend another WCA competition in the future? *
Not likely
Most definitely
From where did you travel from to attend the competition? *
Registration *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The registration process on the WCA website was easy to understand
The registration fee was reasonable
There was sufficient notice given to register for the competition
Venue *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The venue was in a good location
The venue had good facilities
The venue had adequate space
There were food and drink options nearby
Other comments about the venue
Competition *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I felt welcome by the staff and the WCA delegates
The competition was well organized
The rules and procedures were explained well
I liked the events at this competition
The schedule worked well
Communication before the event was good
All WCA regulations were adhered to
What did you like MOST about the competition? *
What did you like LEAST about the competition? *
Do you have any other suggestions or comments to help us improve future competitions?
Your name (OPTIONAL)
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