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Some Exploratory Questions
Hey, Jeff Veillette here. As you may or may not already be aware of, I'm a free agent again on the hockey writing side of things. Figuring out the more permanent "what's next" on that is going to take some time, and while that happens, I'd like to keep writing on my own platform. I'd also like to apply some of my prior experience to give that platform a bit more permanent use should I have a reason to stop producing articles.

The below are a few exploratory, open-ended questions to get a feel for what people may or may not be looking to consume. I've got some ideas in mind already, and I can't promise I'll integrate everything suggested, but I'm open-minded and would like to hear from as many people as possible.

This survey will likely be followed up with one looking for more specific details, but for now the focus is on top-level details. 

All responses are anonymous.

Thanks in advance for your time!
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What are your current primary sources for Toronto Maple Leafs news/analysis/content? (Blogs/columns, podcasts/shows, social profiles etc)
What type of content would you like to read out of a blog with a Toronto Maple Leafs organizational focus? Are there any angles that you feel aren't being currently served in the market that would interest you?
Outside of Toronto, are there any other hockey topics that you would be interested in seeing me regularly touch on?
I would like to have some form of permanent resource component to the site. (Historical info, rule explainer/glossaries, etc). Is there a niche in this regard that you feel is underserved on the Hockey web right now? If so, what?
Which social media platforms do you currently use for hockey consumption?
Do you have any other feedback for me other than the above?
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