Innovation Exchange - Startup Application
The following form will be used to evaluate and select startups to present at Innovation Exchange.  This form will be reviewed by an elite committee of business leaders and decision makers - a very exclusive club to be in front of.  We are looking for no more than 30 startups to present at Innovation Exchange.

For more detail around the event and a deeper description of presentation categories, please visit

Startups must apply and those selected will be asked to register once they are selected.  If selected, startups will pay $250 for admission for 2.  This covers expo space, food & beverages, and a reception which includes access to over 250 CIOs, CMOs, CTOs and those leading innovation teams.

All applications must be completed by Noon (EDT) August 15 and final decisions made by August 22.  All applicants will be notified by email of their acceptance status.

NOTE:  LEAP applications will be handled separately and on a case-specific basis.  Please visit for more information.
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Which Innovation Exchange category are you interested in? *
Please rank from 1 - most interested to 5 - least interested
Collaborative Workforce
Future of Enterprise IT
Remarkable Customer Experience
Security and Trust
Internet of Things
BI, Visualization, and Simulation
Company Details
Name of Company *
Website URL *
Where is your company located? *
Street Address, City, State, ZIP
Country *
Contact Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Product/Service Description
The nuts and bolts behind what makes your company tick.  What is it you do, how long have you been doing it, etc.
In one sentence, tell us what your company does. *
When was your platform/service launched? *
Are you currently in market? *
Most recent round of funding and amount. *
Reference existing customer base.
Please highlight some of your major clients.
Solution Description
Within your preferred category (e.g. Collaborative Workforce, Internet of Things), articulate how your company intends to solve challenges and is uniquely positioned to succeed.
Briefly describe how your company is specially suited to address enterprise needs in your selected Innovation Exchange category. *
i.e. Collaborative Workforce, Internet of Things, etc.
How is your approach different than other solutions in the market? *
Please list any dependent technologies your solution relies upon. *
i.e. iOS-only, Android-only, MS stack, etc.
Anything else you'd like to add...
Unique experience, team make-up, etc.
Company Overview
Your chance to elaborate and add some color to your application.
Please highlight some significant achievements of your organization over the last couple of years.
Impressive customer wins, substantial version upgrades, additions to the core team, etc.
What are the significant value additions/paradigm shifts that you have been able to provide/aim to provide to the user community?
In your own words, what would be the dream state for your product in September 2016 (a year from now)?
How did you hear of Innovation Exchange? *
Which investors are you working with (if any)?
Mark 'n/a' if none.  Not a disqualifier.
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