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Queer Market Jax Vendor Form
Please read there has been some additional info added for the regular vendors.

Thank you for registering to be a part of Queer Market Jax! This form is for all available markets at the new COLORS Jax Resource Center from 9:00 am- 3:00 pm, we are accepting 45 vendor,  8 nonprofits and 3 food truck applicants. This is now a regular event on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month. 

945 Lane Ave S, Jacksonville, FL 32205

Please fill out all questions, and submit your donation to the provided handles below. All proceeds are donated directly to COLORS Jax Resource Center! 

Please note proceeds are not refundable - if you cannot make it to the day of the market the $10 is a donation to Colors Jax or can be transferred one time to another date. 

There is NO JURY PROCESS for Queer Market Jax, if you have submitted this form and your payment, you are accepted! There is a 3  food truck limit , please email to verify number registered. Email with specific instructions will be sent out on the Friday before the event. If you registered after Friday you will receive instructions morning of the market but still come setup. 

Starting in October there are various workshop's that will be taking place at the Market please stop by  and take advantage of the workshops. They will vary from budgeting, real estate, candle making, yoga classes, safe sex practices and many others. Some will cost while most will be free. Lets work together to grow the Queer Market into a great Community Safe Space where you also make money at your booths. 

If you are interested in doing a workshop come see Katrina to discuss. 

We look forward to having a great market and building community with you! Please Share information about the market with your followers so they will come out and see us.
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