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Media Project Sharing Permissions
The Media Project Showcase is a webpage designed to curate examples of media projects created by University of Minnesota community members with an emphasis on Libraries media support that helps to make these projects possible.*

Please complete this form to confirm permission for the Libraries and partners to share your media project publicly for educational and scholarship purposes.

Most media works will need to be published and shared by the individual community member on a platform of their choosing (e.g., YouTube, Kaltura, Spotify, etc..) using their own account. As such, community members retain ownership with the right to remove or restrict access to their works at any time.

Thank you for agreeing to share your work!

For questions or comments please contact Scott Spicer (Media Outreach Librarian)

*Though we are grateful for all submissions, as a curatorial resource, not all projects may be posted.
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Email address
University status/affiliation (or community member outside of the University)
Description of project that may be shared (discussion of topic, course it may be related to, etc..)
Please describe any Libraries based media services used.
Please comment on your experience(s) using Libraries based media services
I give permission for my work(s) to be shared?
I give permission for my works to be repurposed (e.g., thumbnail photo, edited for presentations, etc..)
Link to my media project (unless agreed that my work will be published by someone else)
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