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5250ACTions Challenge
As we count down the 5 months to the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act, complete as many of the 5250 ACTions as you can to help protect clean water!
Submit your challenge results here for your chance to win prizes!
* Indicates required question
Your answer
Email address
Your answer
Phone number
Your answer
11 and younger
12 - 17
18 - 30
31 - 45
46 - 65
65 and over
Select all the ACTions you have completed!
Follow Winyah Rivers Alliance!
Follow the Lumber Riverkeeper!
Follow Waterkeeper Alliance!
Follow the Waccamaw River Blue Trail!
Tag your ACTs with #5250ACTions!
Join our 5250 BioBlitz Project!
Download the Swim Guide app!
Get outside on the water!
Watch a movie about water!
Read a book about water!
Observe a rain event!
Report pollution!
Flush only what you must!
Pick up your pet waste!
Properly dispose of harmful materials!
Reduce, Reuses, Recycle!
Tell a friend!
Attend a 5250 Event!
Attend a Winyah Rivers event!
Attend a Green Drinks event!
Attend an educational webinar!
Identify pump out stations!
Be a responsible boater!
Visit some green space!
Identify a plant in the watershed!
Identify an animal in the watershed!
Monitor your water bill!
Mark your storm drain!
Check your car for leaks!
Swap your soap!
Hold off on household cleaners!
Create some clean water art!
Write a poem about clean water!
Record a clean water video!
Calculate your water footprint!
Identify your home watershed!
Identify your source!
Learn about your source!
Do a cleanup!
Plant a native plant!
Plant a rain garden!
Install a rainwayer harvesting system!
Get your soil tested!
Compost your waste!
Take your car to a carwash!
Watch what you wear!
Become a CoCoRaHS volunteer!
Adopt a landing!
Adopt a monofilament recycling bin!
Be a water monitor!
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