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P/ATH Impact Survey
Survey for students in athletics, advisory programs, or classrooms that have used the P/ATH video and discussion resources
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Your school *
Your grade level *
Your gender *
First and last name of your head coach, advisor, or teacher providing this survey

How effective, if at all, were the P/ATH videos at communicating key takeaways?


Relative to other ways you learn in school, how much, if at all, did you enjoy hearing from the athletes and coaches in the videos?

How effective, if at all, was watching the videos in changing team actions or performance?
Did you have any discussions with your team or group about changing actions and/or performance after watching the videos?
If Yes, how important, if at all, were the follow-up discussions? 

How much, if at all, did the P/ATH curriculum change your personal thinking?

In the past month, how often, if ever have you taken any actions outside of your athletic or advisory setting (school, home, family, friends) based on the P/ATH videos?  *
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