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/r/asklatinamerica 2022 user census
1,115 responses
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What is your age?
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What is your gender?
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Where were you born?
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Where do you live now?
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If you are a Latin American, have you ever lived abroad for at least 6 months?
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If you are NOT a Latin American, have you ever lived in a Latin American country for at least 6 months?
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How would you describe your *current* religious beliefs/practices/identity?
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Were you raised in, or are still technically a member of, a religious tradition other than your previous answer?
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If you answered yes to the previous question, which was your former religion?
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How would you describe your racial identity? We know that some terms here overlap very closely but have included them to try to provide the option that best fits your own identity within your own society. We do not assert that any of these racial categories should or shouldn't exist, but simply acknowledge that they do in some countries.
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Economics and Housing
There are two ways to measure socio-economic status: relative and absolute. In *relative terms*, what is your or your family's socio-economic status?
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Now, in *absolute terms*, what is your or your family's socio-economic status? Consider the quality and quantity of your housing, furniture, clothing, food, travels, electronics, entertainment options, access to healthcare and education, etc.
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Do you expect to have (or currently have) a higher standard of living than your parents?
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Where do you live? (community type)
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Where do you live? (housing type - photos for reference)
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Do you consider your immediate neighborhood to be...
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How do you get to work/school?
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Education and Language
What is your NATIVE language(s)? (Choose more than one *only* in the case of speaking multiple languages before school age)
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Which OTHER languages can you speak at a high level, if any?
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If you have done any higher education, what is/was your primary field of study?
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If you are *currently* a student, what is your current level of study?
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If you are NOT currently a student, what is the highest level of education you have completed?
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Do you expect to study (or have you already studied) to a higher level of formal education than your parents?
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Sex and Sexuality
Are you a member of any gender, sexuality, or romantic minority?
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If you answered yes to the previous questions, which of the following item(s) describes you?
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What's your relationship status?
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On economic issues, what is your political position on the standard right (laissez-faire liberalism) / left (state interventionism) axis?
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On social/cultural issues, what is your political position on the traditionalist/progressive axis?
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Which type of political issues interest or concern you the most? Try to pick one (or two, or three at the MOST).
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No matter your previous answers, what is your level of interest and participation in politics and social issues in your country?
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Overall, do you think your country is on the right track and will be better in 5 years?
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Covid Pandemic
Do you feel Covid is "essentially over" in your country/region?
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Are you fully vaccinated according to your health authority's current guidelines?
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Looking back over the last 22 months, are you generally content with how your government and society approached the pandemic?
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Do you think your government has been too strict, just about right, or not strict enough when it comes to measures like masking, vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, school closures, lockdowns, etc.?
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Personal Interests + subreddit use
Which of the following are your primary interests? Limit yourself to around five-seven or less. Don't just check everything.
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Are you a physically active and fit person?
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Do you have diagnosed mental illness?
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Do you have kids?
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What pets do you have, if any?
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Besides Reddit, what social media or similar platforms do you use regularly?
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How do you rate the ways the mods handle/manage the sub, from 1 (awful!) to 5 (great!)
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Would you like to see any improvements in the subreddit?
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Is there a song from the continent that's on your playlist these days which you can share with the sub?
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