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Het Ideale Lab
This short questionnaire is designed to help us plan and facilitate Nerdlab's Big Move to Lousberg Park. Please try to answer each question with a focus on the aspect of space. 
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How long have you been active at Nerdlab?
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In the Nerdlab community, I see myself as a ...
How often do you use the Nerdlab space?
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  What activities do you use the current space for?  

Describe the Nerdlab space in 3 sentences

What aspects or spots of the Nerdlab do you like the most?  *
Are there specific tools or equipment in the space that you frequently use?
What works well in the current space of Nerdlab? 

If you could take a physical piece (big or small) of the lab home, what would that be? 

What is a thing, part or piece do you think has no place in the lab but is there anyway?

What doesn't work well in the current space of Nerdlab? 
What do you think is unique about Nerdlab?
Do you feel at home in Nerdlab, if so, what does make you feel at home? 

Can you give an example of the ultimate lab and why this space is the ultimate lab (Preferably an already existing space)

What  kind of actions don’t have any place in Nerdlab. 

Can you give an example of the most horrible makerspace that you ever visited and why that space is so horrible?

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