Become an ItGirl or ItMan
Are you an influencer? Do you always seem to be ahead of the trends?? Are you the one always sharing some new band or designer or artist?  Do people always come to you to find out what is happening?!? Well than it sounds like you have what it takes to be a happener!! Happeners are people that love life and trying new things and exploring new places and when they have time, sharing what they find with the rest of the world!! Apply to be a happener and share what you find in the world through!
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First & Last Name: *
Age & Gender: *
What's your email? *
What's your forte? (Events, Beauty, Travel, Fashion, Etc) - Can be more than one *
Instagram handle? *
Twitter handle? *
Where are you from? *
Where do you currently live? *
If you have a website enter it here:
Why do you want to be an ItGirl or ItMan? What make you think you got IT? *
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