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Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - Project Identification Forum Registration
Event Timing: October 6th , 2023 at 9:00 am
Event Address:  At Best Western Plus,  3.5 Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize
Contact us at  1-246-234- 0758 (WhatsApp) or
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First Name *
Surname  *
Email  *
Contact Number  *
Gender *
Business Name and Address *
Business Type *
Is your business owned or managed by a female? *
Brief description of business activities 
Number of Employees *
Average Monthly Electricity Cost (BZD) *
Please provide a brief list of major energy consuming devices *
Briefly describe your energy challenge *
Do you have any energy project or concept that requires financing or refining? *
Provide a brief description of your energy project or concept *
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