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Quabbin Harvest Store Manager Application
Thank you for your interest in the Store Manager position at Quabbin Harvest! Please complete this form. We will follow up and may request a resumé or other information. 
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Your name
Mailing address
Email address
Preferred phone number
Highest education completed
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Please provide name of employer, address, supervisor's name, position, dates, responsibilities, salary, and reason for leaving
May we contact your present or most recent employer?
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Please provide name of employer, address, supervisor's name, position, dates, responsibilities, salary, and reason for leaving
Please list other relevant employment history, including dates and duties
Below are some of the core elements of the Store Manager job. Please check any areas in which you have previous experience.
Below are some specific programs and skills that the Store Manager will need to become familiar with. Please check any that you already have experience with.
How familiar are you with the nine-town North Quabbin Region of Massachusetts?
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What most interests you about this position?
What do you anticipate would be the biggest challenge for you in this position?
Please list three professional references, with contact information. Ideally these will be people who can speak to specific experiences and qualities related to the Store manager job.
What date are you available to start work?
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