Make-A-Wish Volunteer Survey
Thanks for your interest in volunteering with us! Let's start with a few questions so that we can get to know you better.
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What is your name? *
ex: Jacquelyn Schneider
 Why are you interested in volunteering for Make-A-Wish? *
Are you looking for a long-term volunteer role? *
What volunteer type(s) are you interested in filling? *
How comfortable are you with making phone calls to solicit donations? *
How many hours are you available per week? *
When are you available? *
How far are you willing and able to drive in San Diego County and/or Imperial County? *
What skills do you have which you hope or feel could be best utilized to deliver our mission? *
e.g. construction, interior design, landscape design, videography, graphic design
What languages are you fluent in? *
What is your profession, and who is your employer? *
What are 3 words that best describe you? *
How active are you on social media? *
How frequently do you check personal emails? *
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