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e-Commerce SEO | ePropel - Email Us Today!
ePropel is an SEO agency that helps companies to accelerate their website's organic visitors through our proven 3-step system. Our team has more than 20 years of experience and is driven to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

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Do you want to find the best e-Commerce SEO strategies for your business?
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e-Commerce Search Engine Optimization
SEO For e-Commerce
Learn the ropes and nail your e-Commerce SEO!
Learn the ropes and nail your e-Commerce SEO!

There is no point in creating a beautiful website, and no people are finding it. Of course, this is NOT a good bang for your buck. So if you are an e-commerce store owner, planning to get more visibility and traffic should be a priority after your e-Commerce website is fully launched and functional. Inevitably, there are so many things vying for your attention. To get a handle on your situation, you need to get your priorities straight!
Another thing to consider is the competition. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, you need to plan your overall digital marketing strategy, come up with an SEO game plan and stick with it. When done correctly, an impeccable SEO strategy has a strong potential of increasing your ROI and getting the upper hand with competitors.
However, if you cut corners, it might get you ahead for a short time, but it will only cost you a fortune in the long run. This is because implementing bad SEO campaigns can lead you into a hole where you spent a lifetime digging yourself out while your competitors are winning clients. Of course, this is definitely a tough pill to swallow.

To keep you on your toes, here are the best SEO strategies that will help you optimize your website effectively. Let’s dive right into these actionable SEO strategies.

Put another way, keyword research is the first step to any SEO campaign. Like the compass, keyword research points to the direction you will be heading and tells you if you are getting off track.
‍Actionable step: Strategically insert keywords throughout your e-commerce store that match your search terms. After you run a search, you will find a list of relevant sites like yours. As you continue to integrate the best related and local keywords, it conveys search engines to their core and makes your page appear more relevant to search engines. Once you know the perfect keywords to incorporate in your content, go ahead and optimize your site to rank for other related searches.
e-Commerce Marketing Company
e-Commerce Digital Agency
ePropel: 3 step system to sustainable organic sales
ePropel: 3 step system to sustainable organic sales

If you are 100% convinced that your site needs optimizing, let’s now sort out the missing ingredients to nail down your SEO strategies. In the past few years, we have set up an effective SEO system customizable for any e-Commerce website. Our process is designed to give your business a competitive edge over its competitors.
Our previous clients have dramatic improvements in their ROI after we laid the foundation for their e-commerce SEO - website optimization was indeed a game-changer for their business. It’s just so amazing how they’ve achieved exponential revenue growth that makes their business much more sustainable.
We understand that as an entrepreneur, your natural instinct is to grow the business. While SEO is not considered an exact art - yet our clients find value in our SEO service. Why? It’s because we guarantee 100% results.
Right now, many companies are hurting during COVID-19. If your business survived but NOT making any profits, hang in there. There’s still hope! While the world is in a state of economic fallout and death tolls have spiraled, it is time to take a leap of faith in the business. Plus, if the compulsion doesn’t go away, this calls to be acted upon.
So as mentioned above, you can still leverage the business even in a pandemic situation. If your e-Commerce business struggles to make ends meet, never lower your expectations, let alone settle for something less.
Remember, business doesn’t grow on trees. Your challenges can be solved by restructuring your marketing plan. It is not just enough to thrive in your industry but aim to dominate in the competition.  The amount of work to put in to outrank competitors is massive, but rest assured, your dedication and effort will take you to the cut!
So, the BIG question is, are you ready to be competitive?

If you are up for the challenge, here’s a step-by-step process on how we helped our clients improved sales and spread brand awareness through increasing their organic traffic:

01/ Figure out the keywords or search terms your ideal customers are searching for
Make no mistake: keywords are the content foundation. Knowing the best keywords to rank for gives you the best insight into your potential customers’ queries, interests, and pain points.

02/ Seamlessly integrate keywords across your e-Commerce web pages
 As you already know, over-optimizing your content in your web pages will be penalized by Google. So, as a rule of thumb, no keyword stuffing, please. Before you incorporate keywords into your web content, make sure to define its purpose, and keywords need to sound natural when you read them back yourself.

03/ Build quality links back to your website
Google’s algorithm has constantly been changing recently, and today, creating backlinks to your website has never been more important than ever. By acquiring hyperlinks to your site from other reputable and high-authority websites, users will be able to land at your e-Commerce store and check out your products and services.

Here’s what you will get when you avail our e-Commerce SEO service:

ePropel’s kick-off and jumpstart bundle ‍

As part of the kick-off process, you will be informed about the following:
e-Commerce SEO Campaign duration - takes us six months to be exact to implement our e-Commerce SEO best practices into your store and improve your site’s ranking in the search engines’ organic search results.
Payments are made on a monthly basis.
Each month we will keep you abreast with the work done. We will be sending a detailed report to track progress and where you are at in terms of current rankings.
Within 4-6 months, your organic traffic will start to kick in - the expected timeline for the massive improvements in your website’s search visibility score
In-depth, Google analytics-driven audits for your website
Compared to a frequent doctor’s visit to ensure our well-being, your website needs a regular health check to perform well. We proactively run monthly site audits as a part of maintenance practices to assess your e-Commerce website’s performance, online presence, security, customer conversations, and a lot more.

As mundane as a website audit looks like, it provides valuable insight into how you launch your website to the next level. Analyzing the data from an audit report gives us a feel about your website’s performance potential. With the baseline data generated, we can create actionable steps to execute your website’s necessary fixes.
e-Commerce Digital Marketing Agency
e-Commerce Marketing Services
The ePropel Advantage: sustainable e-Commerce marketing system
The ePropel Advantage: sustainable e-Commerce marketing system

e-Commerce search engine optimization marketing strategies best practices
In general, ePropel is a small team of digital marketing and SEO experts that will help you weather your e-Commerce marketing storm using a predefined SEO strategy tailored and custom for your business and niche.
SEO can get complex if you are new to digital marketing, but our seasoned and hands-on ePropel experts have specialized experience helping businesses rank on search engines. You are in good hands with us - we know what it takes to catapult your business and bring in more organic traffic to different search engines like Google. There is no need to hire and train an in-house SEO staff and pay a full-time salary to get results. By hiring us, you will get MORE - pay less without sacrificing your business marketing goals.
We will show you exactly what to do to get more organic traffic and improve your sales and revenue. If you have an existing marketing system already in place that’s only relying upon paid ads to get new leads or focused on increasing your social media presence and engagement, but the traffic doesn’t lead to conversions, now is definitely the right time to conduct a new marketing assessment for your business.
Let’s say the content you created on social media was engaging and went viral. You only scratch the surface when it comes to marketing your business online — considering that it takes time to get the following base big enough to generate conversions. It’s common to assume that once you’ve set up your website and run some paid social media ads, then you have done the necessary legwork.
That’s a crucial point, especially if you have thrown in more money to make paid campaigns work. If you overlooked boosting your website SEO, then you missed the chance to make tons of money and generate more sales. This shows that you don’t fully realize the value of SEO.
Organic Keyword Ranking
SEO Keyword Report
Update your SEO strategy consistently!
Update your SEO strategy consistently!

With COVID 19 virus continuing to mutate throughout the pandemic, e-Commerce sales are predicted to rise over the coming years. Taking advantage of the difficult season by securing your store, revamping new strategies, and leveraging your e-commerce SEO system will significantly impact your overall company’s marketing success and skyrocket your sales.
If the proper measure is done to maintain your organic traffic, it will help spread your brand like wildfire. If you are currently facing troubled waters arising from the pandemic’s uncertainty and lockdown restrictions, running a small business now becomes a make-it-up-as-they-go-along trial without an end.

On the surface, 2020 is an understatement when you say it’s a tough year for different businesses, big and small. No matter how difficult the business situation you are in, an established e-Commerce SEO system in place is a great lifeline in your storm.

Albeit small companies worldwide struggle to keep their heads out of the water, e-Commerce businesses find themselves a unique advantage. Some of them even considered filing for bankruptcy, but they actually made a comeback - a good sign that e-Commerce has ramped up during the pandemic.
Uncertainty of the business is inevitable. It can happen anytime. There are times when business is far from picking up, and when this happens, you find yourself in a cash crunch - unable to pay overhead bills, or worse, you struggle to make a payroll.
Contemplating to shift to e-Commerce and boosting your website through SEO promised unparalleled growth to get through the tough times. Again, if your brick-and-mortar business slowed down because of COVID-19, consider expanding online - such a great way to be on top of trends and make your business competitive again.
The old saying “No pain, no gain” applies to your SEO endeavor. We’re not going to lie about the magnitude of work needed, and worse, we are not going to sugar coat it to inspire you. SEO is tedious work - you have to plan and implement the SEO strategies with a strict follow-through. A substandard SEO strategy that cuts corners backfires and harms your business. So aim high and don't settle for good enough!
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